How to forgive someone who continually hurts youHow to forgive someone who continually hurts you. I can help you find out what this can be mirroring from your inside. I can also create a personalized meditation for YOU! CONTACT ME FOR A COACHING SESSION! One big step to take is to accept that you are part of this. As I look upon it, the one who is hurting you, is mirroring something inside of you. For example you might have an old belief that I am not respected. I am second best. I am not important etc. 1. Switch focus from blaming others to understanding yourself. See this as an opportunity to heal an old wound. Write down all negative feelings and put fire on this paper. Write the positive opposite affirmation on another paper and keep visible daily. Add other affirmations for example: I am loved. We solve everythinhg with kindness and understanding. I am so happy that everyone gets along so well etc. 2. Work daily on the hoponopono prayer: I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Say this to yourself. To your inner child. To the other person involed. To think is to speak low. 3. Step out of this situation and see it from above. Get another view on this. Get less reactive. 4. Learn to let go and be like water. 5. Focus on yourself. Let go of the other person. 6. Be kind instead of right. How to forgive someone who continually hurts you. Either take this steps above or if you like - just let go of this person totally. Ignore this person and turn your focus elsewhere totally. I can help you find out what this can be mirroring from your inside. I can also create a personalized meditation for YOU! CONTACT ME FOR A COACHING SESSION! How to forgive someone who continually hurts you.
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Gunilla LarssonSwedish ex real estate agent. ArkivKategorier |